New PPLV member.
COBRA on 25.05.2014, 12:14 (UTC) | | SamuKa[PPLV] has joined to us! | | |
Member Kicked
COBRA on 25.05.2014, 12:13 (UTC) | | SillyDog aka Dogee has been kicked from the server for reasons:
-Disrespectfull behave to other members
-Broken server rules
-Too much complaints about himself by another clans
Further action has been taken to keep PPLV's reputation. | | |
New PPLV member
COBRA on 15.04.2014, 19:30 (UTC) | | SillyDog[PPLV] has joined to us! | | |
New PPLV Members
COBRA on 20.11.2013, 06:47 (UTC) | | 15/11/13 -FreZeR[PPLV] has joined to us.
11/11/13 -SephirotH[PPLV] has joined to us. | | |
Alliance have been broken ([RD] and PPLV)
COBRA on 26.07.2013, 17:58 (UTC) | | Well guys,
Since last attacking activities, RD members decided to stop alliance with us.
This is message from RD's Leader(IceBreaker):
''hey cobra,
Look bro we have to break the alliance, not that we gonna be enemies, we still gonna work together and support each other. Ducks are complaining and did everything to keep the alliance and obey the rules, we have talked to ur member but nothing really helped, we were still being killed. We kept it by the rules on our side but this can't go forever we officialy break the alliance.
We r still gonna support you and have fun with PPLV
ice, in the name of ducks''
Since I got this message, we have broke the alliance. But as he said, we are still friends and we can help eachothers. | | |
New PPLV member
COBRA on 06.12.2012, 23:23 (UTC) | | Zwitter[PPLV] has joined to us. | | |
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