Name: | ApoCaLyPsE | Homepage: | - | Time: | 30.09.2010, 19:57 (UTC) | Message: | who is that faker pff.. Idint said that COBRA check he's ip..He use my name and flame me.. and Alvrao too..check who is it cobra pleaes  |
Name: | Borat | Homepage: | - | Time: | 30.09.2010, 17:47 (UTC) | Message: | WTf Miki STOP fukkin Lie !
I sayd Just in Joke to Alvaro: (/kill ? xD)
We was Presi and Vice Together lol
So it was Only a Joke!
and i didnt used /kill !
Im Not so Unfair lolz
U shooted Me and u Know it that was No Misstake!
There was Enough to Go other ways But u Kill only Ur Clanmates -.-
And Car shoots them and and and ........
But Now u say it was A Misstake ? O.o
Nope NevaEva Alvaro saw it And Other Guys to!
And other Part of This Time:
U was Banned by the Reason of Flame etc.
u flamed us while we was Saying U are Stupid To Kill ur Own Clanmates!
Its True but u can Only Flame Onthis!
And u are a Girl 
Nah i think u are more a Man ......
How u acting sry but Miki i Hate u realy!
Name: | Miki | Homepage: | - | Time: | 30.09.2010, 17:19 (UTC) | Message: | In the boat there were a lot of people and I shooted on the mass . Accidentally i hit Borat i think he use /kill after but i doesnot killed him  |
Name: | COBRA | Homepage: | - | Time: | 30.09.2010, 16:13 (UTC) | Message: | There is a weird something. Did bored type /kill?
Because he is saying ''/kill ? '' |
Name: | AlvaroTiti | Homepage: | - | Time: | 29.09.2010, 22:51 (UTC) | Message: | As all you know, I and a lot of people are bored of Miki, always carjacking, teamkilling, killing PPLVs...well Today I was President and Borat was Vice, she said: Its the time for attack. and she went to our place (boat in LS) and she tried kill me, but she couldnt, but she killed Borat. When she see me or Borat, always shoot our wheels, carjack us, try kill us when she is in a different team, etc, This ``story´´ is for Cobra, I think that he need do somethink with her. Nothing more. Btw, a photo here
Regards |
Name: | ApoCaLyPsE | Homepage: | - | Time: | 29.09.2010, 07:13 (UTC) | Message: | Cobra,I login the server withname NewYork,Ask Borat..And tomrow i cannot :X |
Name: | COBRA | Homepage: | - | Time: | 28.09.2010, 17:30 (UTC) | Message: | Apo, if you don't post ban appeal, you can't connect lol  |
Name: | ApoCaLyPsE | Homepage: | - | Time: | 27.09.2010, 11:57 (UTC) | Message: | yesterday i Login to server i dont know how..But today i try and i can't.  |
Name: | COBRA | Homepage: | - | Time: | 25.09.2010, 16:38 (UTC) | Message: | Hey mohit, thanks for the report. But it is pne of domesticities of PPLV. |
Name: | MoHiT | Homepage: | - | Time: | 25.09.2010, 10:17 (UTC) | Message: | PTPSlat>: [9] *** [MG]SoLoD[PPLV] is now Terrorist.
since when u allowed PPl to join 2 clans at a TIme? :-/
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