Name: | COBRA | Homepage: | - | Time: | 03.09.2011, 19:52 (UTC) | Message: | Shalom apo!
You are assistant.. You have to be promoted to Senior assistant, then you can become a Co-Leader. Co-Leaders are active members... |
Name: | ApoCaLyPsE | Homepage: | - | Time: | 03.09.2011, 18:12 (UTC) | Message: | I cant be Co-Leader? Cobra?
User: |  pplv Offline | Time: | 03.09.2011, 10:50 (UTC) | Message: | SoLoD[PPLV], Replikator[PPLV] and Borat[PPLV] has became a Co-Leader. When Clan Leaders become inactive, they becomes most authoritative like as 'Leader' in clan.
More info on 'ABOUT MEMBERS' page. |
Name: | ApoCaLyPsE | Homepage: | - | Time: | 30.08.2011, 11:56 (UTC) | Message: | why i need register with new name and email? like it delete my player :O |
Name: | COBRA | Homepage: | - | Time: | 05.08.2011, 01:52 (UTC) | Message: | -Rowdy? what was that?
-Thank you Krzysztof. |
Name: | Krzysztof  | Homepage: | http://www.arkadiaspzoo.pl.tl | Time: | 03.08.2011, 20:58 (UTC) | Message: | You have very pretty internet side.
I greet from Poland and I invite to me.
Christopher  |
Name: | Rowdy | E-Mail: | rowdy96rider hotmail.com | Homepage: | - | Time: | 02.08.2011, 19:39 (UTC) | Message: | 23:16 [PTP]Player99 have an eye on your members man, i will give you quote from someone in pplv go to see it in pplv guest book if you think that im lying you
23:16 [PTP]Player99 Yh dude Good to know. Borat & Alvaro left. We need to recuit ^^ FoxZero & Zetsu could join
23:17 [PTP]Player99 have an eye
!?!?!?!?!?!? |
Name: | COBRA | Homepage: | - | Time: | 30.07.2011, 23:47 (UTC) | Message: | I can't come in server in august.
SoLoD and Replikator is most authoritative members after me. |
Name: | Tristan[PPLV] | Homepage: | - | Time: | 30.07.2011, 18:30 (UTC) | Message: | sorry i was inactive for two weeks i was on vacation for 2 weeks sorry i didn't tell :- |
Name: | Omega | Homepage: | - | Time: | 29.07.2011, 21:46 (UTC) | Message: | Yh dude Good to know. Borat & Alvaro left. We need to recuit ^^ FoxZero & Zetsu could join  |
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